good article. I agree with everyone out there who believes the State is evil. I dont want no fuckin state.... id rather have private police forces and shit too! private police forces can have wages cut off if they start fucking around and being thugs, people just stop paying them and hire someone else to patrol teh fuckin city ... God I am sick of the humans running around believeing government is even a real concepot other than an imagnery symbol in their heads... badges and uniforms and official titles and big buildingsin washington DC don't make thinsg any lessfantasy but they have this big media machine that enforces the buillshit in our minds
but yeah the governments AND banks that go hand in ahnd will be fading away as the old peopel wh run them die out and refuse to actually pass on the torch bevause they know gen X is super cynical and they dont trust them ... so millenials might get the torch passed directly to them... millenials nmight find themselves in charge of a lotr moe than they bargained for!
The power struicture has to be passed on to the younger generationand its what we see right now,w e see the worl dis being passed on to younger people as the older eople get ready to pass on their inheritances... like John D Rockefeller passing on his majority shares of Standard Oil to his son before his death as a symbolic passing of the torch
It is the Bitcoin revolution look , trillions now being poured into bitcoin soon
that website tracks and vosualzied bitcoin being bought by fiat in real time
Bitcoin is not the be all and end all unfortunately. Its 256 bit encryption will be broken by the quantum computers in no time flat. Bitcoin is only as secure as the computing power is slow
Yes and it's also getting slowly co-opted by the elites which has questionable intentions.
Hard to distinguish between an elite investing in bitcoin just for profit, or actually buying it up to "quell the rebellion". It remains to be seen.
That being said, Bitcoin is very inefficient and it's full of holes, both technical and conceptual. Lack of privacy is one, big TX fees is other, the quantum vulnerability is just the tip of the iceberg.