Dear Socialists

in #anarchy7 years ago

Dear Socialists,

I’m a Libertarian and this paper will describe how we can be good friends and agree. There are a few pairs that you don’t put in a room together. A gorilla and a human baby. A man smoking a cigarette and a gasoline waterfall. A Socialist and a Libertarian. All of these scenarios end up with disaster, horror, and confusion. Until now.

Why we don’t get along.


Socialists: “There is no reason in our current world of technology and massive wealth for people to suffer. Children should not go hungry. We have the means to not let people suffer, thus it is immoral to let people suffer.”

Libertarians: “All men and women by default should have freedom. The government is historically violent, cruel, and not to be trusted. To know that the government is as harmful it is, it is immoral to increase the government's power over innocent people.”

No one actually wants for starving children to starve. No one wants to see the elderly dying in misery. However, Socialism REQUIRES BY DEFINITION giving the government more power over the people. To a Libertarian, this is the government using force to take away our stuff, and then turn around and demand that we perform like circus monkeys to get it back. Hang in there, Socialists, good news is coming.

Where I think we can agree.

We want for people to be able to live in freedom in their pursuit of happiness. We want prosperity for everyone that also wants prosperity. We want for people to get the basics required for life while also not suffering under tyranny. We both want Adam Kokesh to win the 2020 presidency.

You see, the federal government is only a cruel, violent, and irresponsible monster because it is left unchallenged. Sure, we can change out who drives the car every four years, but the car and the roads don’t change. Everyone and every level of government must bow to the whims of this monster or else “force” will be administered until compliance is achieved. We know that we can’t grab our muskets and take down the federal government either. Those days are gone. So if we are to remove the federal government, we have to do it legally. When Adam Kokesh wins the presidency in 2020, he will dismantle the federal government.

But what about the social safety net?! If Adam Kokesh dissolves the federal government, then there will be no federal government to send out the checks that take care of people! That’s absolutely true… BUT… you’ll have something even better. You see, our federal government takes our money in the form of taxes and spends it like this:


There is massive waste. Our federal government tells us that it can’t afford social security (a tale for another day) or food stamps. In the next breath, it tells us that the pentagon lost trillions of dollars. Do you see the problem here?

Instead of an irresponsible monster lining its pockets with our money by force, “losing it”, and then increasing taxes… maybe we should get some accountability in there? I mean, do you know the 1-800 number to call to demand an answer when food stamps are cut or when the government loses money? Of course you don’t. At best you can attempt to sue the federal government. However, at state level, there could be. Imagine all of that money that the government takes and lines politicians pockets with actually going to help people. Imagine not funding wars and bases all over the world, but taking care of the homeless. We have enough money going to the federal government to take care of everyone on earth several times over.

You see, you can’t want to have our federal government AND want to take care of everyone because once a government is corrupt, it won’t give out money like it should. If you don’t believe me, go find a cartel. Tell it that you will give them money if they help you and your community. They will probably take your money. Unfortunately, due to their corruption, they will threaten you if you stop giving them money, hurt you and your community, and swindle most of your money to their friends. Just like the federal government does.

When there are smaller governments such as your state and your community, there is a LOT more clarity where your money goes. You get to control where your money goes. The best part is, if you don’t like how a small government is handling business, you can do something about it. If you should so much as sniff corruption, a court case opens up and a politician faces a real possibility of going to jail. (Not a job corrupt people will want anymore.) If for whatever that doesn’t work and you find yourself in a community that doesn’t believe in spending the money the way you do… move to another state! Vote with your feet! If you find yourself in a racist community, go move somewhere that carries your ideals. Since most people will leave, that racist state will run out of money and collapse so a new government can compete and take it’s place.

With Adam Kokesh you can have everything that you want. There is no reason to force anything on anyone and no reason for anyone to force anything on you. You will be in a world that takes care of each other yet also lives in freedom. You can have your cake and eat it too. Join me in helping Kokesh fire himself in 2020 so that we can evolve into exactly the kind of world you dream of.

-Michael P. Wood @iamthenerd (Technology Director)

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"When Adam Kokesh wins the presidency in 2020, he will dismantle the federal government."

Kennedy got his head blown off for daring to stand up to the CIA, I doubt Adam Kokesh will escape that same fate if he gets into power. I believe most Libertarians are well-meaning and honest chaps, but I also think many of them have no idea the kind of monstrosity they're up against.

i think adam knows exactly what he's up against. i also think his balls could be studied in a lab to determine the worlds strongest alloy.

either that, or his skull could be. And the brain contained in it could be the worlds hardest geological finding ever discovered! LOL

Be fair—the libertarians and anarchists are more aware of the monstrosity than anyone else.

No doubt...we anarchist are the only ones who see the state for what is is in all of it's forms. An enemy of truth, liberty, prosperity, property, life & humanity as a whole. A monstrosity which will end all life on earth if we don't make everyone aware that it doesn't exsist.

Even if governments drive humanity to extinction, it won't matter...

Knowing that they are coming for him would make him take the necessary precautions. He should definately hire Jesse Ventura in some capacity. That man has a lot of knowledge of how things work.

Freedom is non negotiable.

If Adam could change all these bad acts I pray he win.

This happens everywhere even in Nigeria. Too bad here and we pray all day to God so as to give us good leaders

Why do you need leaders? Why not be your own leader?

The connection between the state & a cartel are important because it's what the state is. Do not be decieved...the state a.k.a. "government" is a crime syndicate & we're their victims. End this, Adam vs the man in the biggest fight of his life. Let's help Adam get a national stage from which to proclaim the message of liberty to our btothers & sisters who still slumber. We've got to shake 'em & wake 'em!

If you promise to cut military spending to, say, equal that of our two most likely enemies - Russian and China - COMBINED - and take that extra money to balance the budget, pay off our debt, and double the spending on education and health care, then you've got my vote.

It costs us $158 Billion per year to maintain 600 military bases in 80 countries (give or take, depending on what you want to consider a base). That’s more than the federal government spends on education and health care – combined. Meanwhile, everyone’s afraid of China, which has only one overseas base which isn’t even built yet, to combat piracy, and Russia, which has bases in only two countries that are not former Soviet bloc countries. Only one other country spends more on their whole military than we spend just to maintain bases overseas.

A 20% reduction in military spending can pay for a 100% increase in health and education spending. We would still lead the world in military spending – spending more than the next 6 nations – combined! (China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, United Kingdom, & Germany). Please don’t tell me we can’t afford free college and a single payer health care system to replace Obamacare.

Wow socialists really fooled you on the budget eh?
The hint is in the first word of the title: "Discretionary"

WTF are you saying?

Very interesting concept. You got my follow as I'd like to learn more!

wow very nice post

thanks! hopefully i can close some gaps

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

sounds great, thanks!

Michael: Are socialists going to allow for private property Rights? Or will they cling to the idea that the government is to own everything? Every one of them knows their cesspools can't produce an ounce of corn, so they can't allow any productive people leave and find sanctuary elsewhere. They will implode.

Right! They will take guns and build walls, sound familiar?

fascists take guns and build walls to keep 'em out. socialists take guns and build walls to keep 'em in. This is how it works:
TwoParty circle jerk.jpg

So gross but so true

Unfortunately, anyone who believes in socialism is not worth the time arguing against. Fortunately, almost all of them will change their opinion with the herd, and become anarchist/libertarian once it is more fashionable to do so.

Sadly, when they finally figure it out, it might be too late..

They'll never figure it out. My point is that they won't have to.

The basic association between financial communism and political dictatorship is a leftover of the Cold War. Our principle perspective is the Soviet Union (however this might be shallow), where one could concede that political opportunity was intensely quelled. In any case, it doesn't take after that the absence of opportunity (especially thoughtful and political flexibility) in the Soviet Union was because of its financial framework. Rather, it was likely its tyrant single gathering political structure. While I might act naturally misrepresenting, this dread of communism for the sake of common and political opportunity is a noteworthy piece of the American ideological account. In any case, it is not necessarily the case that we ought not be stressed over the structure of communism. Similarly as with private enterprise (majority rule government, progressivism, and so on.)

You are very far from the mark. It does not take examples (although they are plentiful) to see that communism is inferior to a system of common-law private property, profit, and markets—it only requires simple logic. Central planning is far less efficient and effective than decentralized planning—from markets to computer processors.

¡Viva la libertad carajo!

good post


Good one Michael!

Kokesh not for president 2020!

I believe it is Kokesh for not president ;)

I agree with many of your points, especially about the tremendous amount of waste in our spending, and the potential of a larger government being tyrannical (as if that was not already the case.) However, I think that we can have both socialism and libertarian ideals, and that they are not opposing ideologies. The problem is the middlemen government being requisite in being the arbiter of these ideologies.

This, in large part, is what has me so excited about the potential for cryptos. I think we can collaboratively define and codify modern rights and liberties that are applicable globally, crowdsource legislation locally and globally, and create decentralized systems that are able to conduct the bulk of what our fed does, but in a much more transparent, efficient, and adaptable manner. I see this tech as a mechanism for being able to directly address human suffering while also not giving a central government or organization more power which could be corrupted.

Thank you for your well thought out article, and I am going to look into Adam Kokesh now from your recommendation.

The problem with socialists is that they don't respect freedom nor private property, both of which are key for a country to be prosperous.

I don't see how you plan to change this aspect of their ideology. If they don't respect property, there could never be peace with them, is that simple.

Hey Adam !

I am doing a best of Anarchapulco series all weekend and the next couple days, I have voted for you here lots and commented on your YT channel etc.

I have been a targeted activist in Canada also speaking out.

Anyways, good talk you had with Cynthia M. and I made it here on Steemit too.



Inside #Anarchapulco Series #6 - Showing some of the many many goings on since I could not be there. @adamkokesh + @cynthiamckinney video / Debate on Liberty, #Statism etc.
#Anarchapulco2018 #ACA2018 @Anarchapulco #Liberty #Freedom #CryptoCurrency

The left is going to choke on you. LOL And the right? too early to tell. But you sure have the sales pitch down to perfection.

unfortunately, socialists don't envision anyone allowed to escape their "prescription"... but it sure will be interesting to see what happens when the millenial "bernieBots" start to digest your "Freedom!" book. Snowflakes will be melting.............

I mean, do you know the 1-800 number to call to demand an answer when food stamps are cut or when the government loses money? Of course you don’t.

To be fair they are not toll free, is there someone still actually paying for phone calls?

Nice post. and good friendship..plz vote me plzz

Provide good content. This is a meritocracy, begging won't get you anywhere.

Both Libertarians and Socialists dislike exploitation. As unfortunate as it is that they can't agree on the source and solution, I too hope they can agree on the idea of fostering community.

There are a lot of ways in which cooperation is possible but the fact is that same opportunity exists with nearly everyone. Virtually no one wants suffering of other people. Here is the crux:

==There is no reason to force anything on anyone and no reason for anyone to force anything on you.==

Force is not a universally agreed thing. The Libertarian definition of force is different than the socialist one. So it is impossible to say that neither would force each other because within their own worldviews, they are not. That is just an objective fact, one that must be dealt with.

Can own real property? A Libertarian would say yes. No force is involved there, but from another perspective no you can't, because that is force. They are both internally consistent views but incompatible.

We cannot gloss that over.

Force or the Non-Aggression Principle is a floating abstraction without a grounding view of property rights.

I think most socialists are libertarians. Only they don't know it.

This reminded me of an interesting episode of the economic detectives podcast where they discuss how maybe it's possible to have both small government and some welfare. Don't know if I entirely agree with either side but it certainly made me think. Give it a listen see what you think. Good luck in winning the presidency!

Socialism comes from progressives because they want equality.
Which is fundamentally incompatible with freedom and reality (Pareto principle).

You're also wrong about the US government budget.
Maybe this was a tactic to fool progressives, but the hint is in the first word: Discretionary.
The full budget is four times bigger and more than half of it is welfare.