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The US government was both Moral and Legitimate (based on the morals at the time; given the rules of Conquest), because of the ideas that were drafted into the Constitution which allow for open public dissent of the Government. The rights of free speech, freedom of assembly, free press, and the ability to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It’s an American’s right, and duty to speak out on, what they feel are governmental injustices but those injustices are subject to the right of redress mentioned above and in no way detract from its morality or legitimacy derived and created by conquering this territory for them and their progeny.
We are lucky to have been included in their plans for government rather than set up another Monarchy.
We have only one choice now, to make America voluntary, pragmatic and legitimate again.
The tone of my blog from hereon out will be about FREEDOM from the initiation of force.