I will only tackle a shard here. Many of the Ten Planks came from secret societies. Central banks were well before Marx. Furthermore, the overthrow of the Tsar was financed by a certain cadre of NYC bankers. Communism has always been a front for corporatism to form monopolies. Pure capitalism opposes corporatism.
The best example of this is the early colonies: Plymouth and Jamestown. If you have read their charters, you will see that the conditions of communism were imposed on the colonies by the respective British Trading Companies.
When the denizens went into starvation they overthrew the charters and embraced laissez-faire capitalism. In a short time, they both thrived so much, they started trading with Spain and other nations. The trading companies petitioned the British Legislature and the Navigation Acts became law. Before it had a name, the British empire was fascist. The term fascist has been bandied around so much that few even know its meaning. Its roots are a bundle. Fascism is the bundling of the state and the ruling corporations.
The U.S. Constitution was a planned tyranny; usurping the Articles of Confederation. Again, we look no further than the secret societies. Soon, they had a central bank.
Look at modern-day U.S. The Big Six have monopolized nearly every aspect of American agriculture and are now moving on GMO marijuana and its distribution monopoly. The Soviet Union, at its zenith, never had zoning regulations.
American public schooling serves a dualistic purpose: indoctrination and training children to work for the local corporations. The state and its several parts are all incorporated.
State-free societies have worked up to the point that they failed to arm themselves against tyranny from without.