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RE: A practical problem for the Anarchist and New Age Voluntarists (and any other starry-eyed idealist). (featuring @vuyusile as author)

in #anarchy8 years ago

Very good conversation to have. These are truly horrifying statistics. I don't want to sound like I am coming from a place of knowing all the answers. Of course none of us really do know the answers. We are searching for the answers together. I, myself like to blame the financial system for all the woes in the world. I know that everything is connected and even after we evolve to a non-corrupt ledger such as crypto currencies, we will still have the human condition to work on. I don't think it's like an art work that we finish someday. I think we are evolving and it's awesome that we are part of this creative process.


Thanks! I share your perplexity ... and agree that much hardship for humans emanates from the corrupt economic systems; and that this corruption, regardless of the 'ism, starts with the human condition (although grant that some 'isms have a tendency to amplify human vice more than another). What vice-like features of the human condition are we feeding on this platform? what monsters are we creating?

Attention still is "popularity contest" big names getting read. I wouldn't assume creating monsters, but can look at the behavior so far, and tell the same problems we have with voting in elections are present here. Would luke a similar site where you didn't see poster name.