
This is soo wired , and i think this uncalled attitude need tobe putting an end to ! people need to learn, grow and have pity, this is very sad !

So true. We need to put an end to these wars of aggression

This question is almost rhetorical, a method of Jungian analysis is, if what someone or some group is doing doesn't make sense, to determine why they're doing it look at the results and infer the reason from that.

This is true, my mom always says the proof is in the pudding

Maybe because jo all voted ... not wrong , just voted ;-)

While I agree there are no good rulers to vote for, I think the real problem you all keep paying your taxes.

Voting is something i can or can not do , it's a free choice .
Taxes are forced , i have no choice , if i do not pay ... they will take it ... by all means .
Where i live a tax fraud gives more years in prison as manslaughter .

If we all just didn't vote , it will point out the uselessness of the government .
The people , all of them , by not voting , vote for NO government .
And what if , only 30% of the voters did vote , ?

If there where no consequences for not paying taxes , i would not pay .
Sadly there kind of forced taxes for most .
And anarchy dos not live among today's people .
The fearmongering did it's work , hard to turn that .

At least let me have that dream , to keep the spark alive ;-)
So one day ..... we are free .

Oh and as far as voting goes. In the first election only 2-3% of the population voted... they don’t care about your vote, the will run the media as if a vote did happen even if nobody votes.

I would never recommend someone doing something that would cause someone to do harm to them. Example not paying taxes and ending up in jail. The fact is if everyone stopped paying taxes 2moro they would just print the money to continue wars and run the police state. When you operate outside the system then they cannot tax you. For example trade with your neighbor or grow your own food. But yea it stinks that there are thugs with guns who steal from you.

well , as long as there will be lines in front of voting bin's they can tell us what ever they want about it's results ;-)

I mean , empty voting places can not be ignored that easy .
As in , where did the results come from ?
It might make people revolt or at least think about it .

Have you seen videos of cnn staging protests?? I could see them staging voters.

They sure can , like crashing planes false flags and the Arabic spring ....
Let's hope wise man write crowbars to awaken the comfortably numb .
Take Anarchy out of it's demonized position and make it a hype ,to stop those never-ending wars
End slavery .
become one as was meant to be , not as NWO .