"I feel like my response to number 8 covers this one. I would like to point out that food is not a scarce resource as soon as you remove corporations, GMOs, "
also GMOS help produce more food
"I feel like my response to number 8 covers this one. I would like to point out that food is not a scarce resource as soon as you remove corporations, GMOs, "
also GMOS help produce more food
Industrialized farming will always be less efficient and effective than small-scale, and GMOs only help produce more food when combined with huge amounts of toxic pesticides & herbicides, petroleum-based fertilizers, and using the state to shut down small-scale farmers.
"Industrialized farming will always be less efficient and effective than small-scale, "
uhhhhh wrong
What is more efficient about letting machinery sit there useless the majority of the time?
"MOs only help produce more food when combined with huge amounts of toxic pesticides & herbicides,"
wrong. Drought resistant ones for example are a necessity in many parts of the world.