A Voluntaryists' Perspective On The War On Performing Enhancing Drugs

in #anarchy8 years ago

We are all aware of the ongoing bans in sports regarding PED's (performance enhancing drugs). Voluntaryist are keenly aware of the State's obsession with cracking down on said drugs. But so much confusion over what actually is a PED leads to the power hungry politicians (who can rarely find time to workout while being busy running the world into the ground) obsess over what is considered "too dangerous" or if it creates an unfair advantage.

Let's face it. Someone will always be stronger, faster and better than someone else. There are entirely way too many variables in competition to ever attempt to force a "fair" outcome. However, private companies and associations should be able to define what rules will govern them without any intervention from politicians. A private association has no obligation to accept me if I don't agree to their rules, just as I should not be forced to join any associations I don't think are fit for me. This logic should also prevail when it comes to the sale and use of steroids. If a group of people, let's say Bodybuilders/Powerlifters Co., think performance-enhancing drugs are OK, they should be left alone if they don't force anybody to follow their path. Sadly, this is not how things are done. Today, the debate about steroid use is widely dominated by morally superior do-gooders who believe it's not right for an athlete to use products that help him or her perform better.

I am not suggesting that everyone should run out and abuse steroids or other synthetics. I have plenty of friends who are involved in the sports of powerlifting, and like me, are eager to break world records. Some have damaged their bodies. However, the training itself played a huge role. So we can't always jump to the conclusion that steroids are to blame with no direct evidence. Hey! You try squatting with over 500 lbs on your back....see if it feels comfortable. They made the choice. And that's all it is. Voluntaryist in me should always have the freedom to choose what I put into my body. By the same token, I don't want to choose what's right for others. This is what Voluntaryism is all about. Not forcing other people to think like you, to act like you and to obey laws simply because vote-seeking politicians and their allies think some products should be illegal.


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Very well written. If I'm not hurting anyone, then no one should be trying to force me to be different.

I agree. And this alone is what keeps the sport itself from defining what a PED actually is. A lot of variables to it. If you had better sleep than your competitor, if your equipment was better, your weight advantage on the day of the competition, how many stimulants you had that morning, etc. There's always an advantage.

I'm not sure why this is even in dispute. It should be the choice of the private judging associations and no one else. The state has no say.

This is the way it is set up in powerlifting and why many Voluntaryist end up being attracted to the sport. What makes it unique is that, because it is not an Olympic event, it isn't governed by the State. Federations are independent judging associations that have certain rules and participants get to choose which federation they want to join depending on the rules they respect.