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RE: Constitutionalists: 1 + 1 = 3 (Part 1 of 2)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

That is not our approach. We do not recognise the crown or any of its agents. Voting is pointless because the debate is being cast by a treasonous authority that have continued to rule after being told to leave, so they have no right to ask you to vote. As I said, I agree, when it comes to your views on politics, it is all designed to waste time I get that. But how can we remove the throne without entering their realm? Any kind of documented law is a human interpretation of the natural laws of nature. The more time has gone on the more un-natural laws have been added, which cloud the more honest parts of these documents. The further you go back in time, the closer you get to people living within relatively peaceful societies. Magna Carta is just the Christian version of natural law and it has its own little add-ons that seek to benefit the Christian community. Nature law, in this instance, has been tainted by religion and politics.(Later this was further diluted with the creation of parliament, who then re-wrote Magna-Carta, to further suit their needs)
Every nation has a similar story and to me it shows that when humans live together, they always create 'laws' or rules to live by and to keep the peace. It appears this is almost instinctive, but something, a long time ago, really changed the balance of thing, to the benefit of evil. Whether it was the creation of property or just horrific coincidence, something has changed and the idea of controlling those who live around you has prevailed. The 'key' I hold is one from over 800 years ago, from when people lived much like you wish to. In the times of Alfred the great and before the population grew to an extent where written laws were deemed necsesary. To me it seems an unfortunate coincidence that this well-intended deed(the creation of Magna Carta) was done at the same time as the European invasions, which brought along with it, Germanic, Roman law. This style of law goes against everything Natural law stands for and has been eroding the goodness of Magna Carta for the last 8 centuries. It has now been totally replaced with the Puppet show we see today.
All that being said, how does anarchism and volunteerism help those who can't get out of the system, because of debt, or because their kids have been taken from them by the CPS?
I am a big fan of volunteerism and try to promote it myself but it too holds huge contradictions that need to be addressed, if you wish to see your ideal world come to fruition.


"how can we remove the throne without entering their realm?"

I submit that bypassing their institutional control mechanisms wherever possible creates greater personal power. In the end, growing communities that do this, and employ burgeoning technologies to, will eventually enable ignoring assholes to render them obsolete.

I see no alternative but, eventually, war. Since little creates, enforces, and grows such toxic insitutional power as war, that is the very last possibility that should be contemplated, and be avoided until no other means is possible, and has become certain to succeed.

Until then, improving the ratio of your personal, familial, and community assets to, and while decreasing those of your enemies, will maximize this growth in your power.

Good luck!

good comment. much food for thought here. maybe this is the only tool we have. At least folk are generally moving in the right direction, when it comes to our consumerist lifestyle and encroaching police state. Good luck to you bro, however you choose to fight the powers the shouldn't be.