You don't have to tell them that governments are the problem and not the solution.
It depends on the Government, take Iceland for example, all those Icelandic Anarchists.
Also, People naturally confuse the absence of a functioning government because a pretender exists with the similar name Corporation as the Government it's impersonating and take the products of that corporation as those of a lawful or functional government because indeed it was Anarchy that the founding fathers referred to as Self Rule, and it was from anarchy that we began then and anarchy is where we are looking at for our destination. What we need to establish is our common sense and rights, here in America we have inherited Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence, with Self Rule, and a system of Common Law which functions not upon written law but Common Sense, it's a folly to forgo our inheritance simply because the housekeepers have turned our country into a Thieves and Murderer's Den.
But aren't the US a proof, that not even the best constitution can't protect you from corrupt politicians.
You Americans still have much more freedom than we Europeans, but as far as I can see your freedom gets more and more restricted.
One needs 12 years of indoctrination camp to over-complicate what a 3yo already starts understanding, like that. You have no idea how ridiculous this sounds to anyone who is not in your cult. How often do you have to repeat this to yourself, praying to your masters? Iceland is so great? People thought they were a collective, not individuals, therefore a majority can gang-rape, a minority and this is not being confused, because majority is hallucinating this to be moral? How about you visit me and I and my buddy force you to pay for the pizza, when you want a burger? If you refuse we will decide how long to lock you up in a room. We can beat you up whenever we want. You do not get basics of peaceful coexistence. This is why you think this convoluted nonsense is logic. Dumb shit always seems like logic, to people who were trained not to get logic
You want me to be shot if I do not obey the threats of strangers you chose for me to be my masters. I do not want you nor them to control my life. You keep insisting on forcing me, when I told you more than 10 times, I do not want to. If you behave like a piece of shit and cannot see it, I will describe it for you again and again. I do not care what you have to say, if you do not start from being a peaceful person. I have a moral duty to stop your aggression. If you wish to talk about Iceland maybe go to Iceland? I really do not care if the entire world thinks that majority forcing minority to obey is moral. I do not. Do not force me to live like you want me to live. It is very simple. If you do not get it, you are no one to debate with.