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RE: Race, IQ, Genetics ... and Then What?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

LOL, aren't you quite the emperor of syllogism:

a cat is mortal
@evolutionnow is mortal ergo: @evolutionnow is a cat (and a cool one at that to be sure!).

I'm not playing along with responding to your witty but rather flappy attack-invitations for me to engage in your dance. I see you, but I'm happy where I am. I am beyond your definition and control, and I know it. I have issues, for suuuuuure, but they are mine, and you are welcome to point to anything you identify from the markings on your 'pharmacy pamphlet' - very witty, loved it btw :) and we can discuss openly. Ad hominem doesnay count I'm afraid, throwing labels around randomly doesn't help clarity, it only serves an agenda of avoiding clarification. For example, you say "you are also kind of delusional" - I love that, coz I do wish to uncover my delusions so that they no longer be delusions, but you're not very helpful if you just throw that label at me, right? :D

he posted this - which btw, unlike your post of baah-love, doesn't throw fallacious shitpies at the subject (you are not even identified by name)! And as for why I intervened, well this is public, it's not a controlled and invitation only affair (like you and your 'smarter colleagues' perhaps?).You seem surprised anyone should get involved! You ask me how, and I'm happy to answer.... I follow @baah and

And @evolutionnow, you do carry on about how hurt your feelings are (ok you indicate they are hurt and I believe you, but it is your insecurity that does the hurting and you blame the world outside). You blatantly ignore your double-standards of callously and casually stating that human beings deserve extinction because they called you names:

I was called a dangerous prick yesterday by a mother of couple of toddlers, advocating this genocide... some rabid apes are beyond help and need to extinct, I guess :(

...what a display of spiritual love and compassion! What sense of proportion! Or what? And does the reader get to learn what prompted her to say such a thing?

Here's an example of your insecurity whereby you perceive yourself to be judged, and this gets your hackles up:

If you say I am bad because I used patronizing "sweetie"

Here's what I said: "You resort to infantalisation ("sweetie") and a patronising tone, as well as fallacious slandery of @baah amongst other tactics of distraction from the fact that you refuse to (are afraid to?) engage with the content of his challenge." The nature of this insecurity (as it appears to me, and frankly, as I have experienced it in my life) is that a challenge is seen as a personal attack. My psychology 'leaflet' tells me that all judgements are ultimately self-judgements. If someone calls you a moron or an idiot, you have a choice to respond as one or not - and your responses are pretty telling in this regard O'Emperor of the Empire that Strikes Itself :D.

And here is a statement of yours on the same post you link to.

I feel discomfort, when innocent people are suffering, because they don't know what suffering really is.

This seems, especially the final clause, to be the core of something deep within you. You indicate that you have suffered (I mock you not), but you are unwilling to take responsibility yourself, and you blame the world. Compassion for your pain, but spotlight on your bullshit!

Like I said, I see no malice in you - actually come across as quite a likeable person IMO. But you do present a lot of topsy-turvey confusion, and this you project onto others and you appear not to be aware of the difference. You also don't seem particularly interested in finding out (an objective view of the self in an 'adversarial' situation is difficult, let alone acknowledging it, sure)! I also don't think you really give much thought to your words prior to positing - look at the messy presentation of your response to me. Obfuscation just muddies the issue and you seem to prefer it this way as you seem to think it masks what you are trying to hide. But it only masks it from you, the dynamics are transparent to the observer, as I have said. You add the spirituality tag to your post, but seem disinclined to take the kind of honest look at oneself that is the hallmark of spiritual work IMO. Here's a quote from your article that seems to me to be subjective nonsense, so I won't apply it to you, but will just gently toss it back :D

If someone refuses to recognize their limitations, they are on a lower evolutionary level.

and dat iz datYou quote Alan Watts when asleep and are adamant that no, indeed, you are awake coz @evolutionnow sez so, . If you don't agree with @evolutionnow, you are obviously a member of @baah's evil cult - LOL.

No interest in looking introspectively to see if there is something going on? Who's going to pay attention and fix that buckled back wheel if not you?
