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RE: The police state for us good folk

in #anarchy7 years ago

And the police officer feels he is putting the "fear of god" into this bitch, who is obviously wasting money, and thus not paying their appropriate fees. He really thinks he is helping. Because, it would be anarchy, if everyone stopped paying their fees.

However, the police do not see the other side. That each and every one of these life threatening threats undermines their support. Just a little more. Just a little more. And, when enough people have had enough. Since police officers are only 1% of the population, then all it takes is 2% to get upset enough to do something.

On that day, the police find out what it means to say, "we know where you live."

I wish police officers would realize this and turn the tides. Because a police states always ends with all the police being dead.


When they see us building a WELL REGULATED MILITIA via the Deputiz'm Plan, they will fear us. Until then, we give them nothing to fear. absolutely nothing. And this is where I am not sure the anarchos "get it".......

I do not agree... but not linearly.

I do not wish for fear, i wish for respect.

The anarcho plans can lead to respect.

Now, the police are already afraid. They know the score. They have already been brainwashed into believing its us vs them. (us, the people who pay their salaries, vs them, the ones who work for us. go figure) The regulated militia doesn't create much more fear, but it will create a sense of urgency.

A well regulated militia turns into a lets raid their leader's house.
Where both responses lead to a bad situation.
A. Do not respond, and the police will be emboldened to push the envelope more.
B. Kill them all. Which will lead to all kinds of bad things when the state police/military escalate the force, and the community turns against you... because they were under the idea that the police are there to protect and serve.

What has happened time and time again, is that the police push the line... and then, all at once, they are all dead. All of them. It only takes pushing 2% of the people past the line of responding with force. The best thing to do is keep reporting on what is actually happening with police. If FEMA camps start to be used, get the word out.

I respectfully disagree. Thugs and parasites only respect what they fear. It's that simple. But you keep on with your Amish-style thinking. We'll be glad to protect you if you feed us with healthy, non GMO food. Wonderful trade off. With Kokesh's plan, we can all separate off and govern (or non-govern) as we decide locally.

Oh. And if FEMA camps start to be used, it's too late to worry about getting the word out.

I am not of the Amish bent.

What i see is there is a police force, and they will go to whatever lengths they have to, to stay in control (see Waco).

In order to have a ... balance of power, you need to be ready to kill all the police.
If they cross a line, they all need to be shot. That is the level of fear one needs to achieve if fighting force with force. I would rather not go to those lengths, because it just ends with lots of dead people.

I would rather have a society where a police man's wages are based on... the best i can describe is a facebook page, solely on comments of people who interacted with that police man. And, thus, poor police men just stop being police because they aren't paid anything.

We the people really need a way of pulling the plug. Directly.
Because, as we have seen, The govern-cement will protect itself.