What really sucks is that we aren't even talking about capitalism,
or the accumulation of capital so that you can build a factory.
Capital doesn't come from nowhere.
...well, that is the problem with captialism today. Capital comes from nowhere. It is printed out of thin air. And those nearest the money troughs get free money. And so, we have crony capitalism, where people pay (bribe) to be nearer to the troughs.
Those nearer to the troughs are infinitely more able to compete then those further away.
If house buyer A can get a loan at 4%, they can afford a $100,000 home
If house buyer B can get a loan at 1%, they can afford a $1,000,000 home.
So, who wins if they are bidding for the same home?
I agree, the whole concept of making capital from thin air is just this weird thing that can only happen if a grouping of people makes it so.
I find myself making distinctions between 'tangible capital formations', and 'non-tangible capital formations' to note the differences.
When 'risk/chance processes' enter social constructs, it really screws stuff up.