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RE: Will We See a New Version of 1933's Executive Order 6102?

in #anarchy8 years ago

No, there will not be another Executive Order 6102

  • Most americans do not own any gold
  • The FED is suppressing the price of gold, to confiscate or to demand that gold be turned in would drive the price through the roof.
  • It could be used on Rots-children's holdings.
  • And It already exists.

The executive order to seize and confiscate gold already exists.
If you are a suspected terrorist, then your assets may be seized.
If you are holding wealth in gold/silver, or have two or more weeks of food storage, or have more than one gun, these are all signs that you are a terrorist.


Sorry, I should have been more clear in my post. I wasn't saying they would do exactly the same EO, I mean they may do one in a similar fashion but direct it at cryptocurrency holders.

People in Texas have more than one gun. We got to get rid of the bad orders.
We want more freedoms to do what we want with our gold, crypto, land, etc.....

Yep, absolutely, but you are up against the TSA.
This was out of a manual of the TSA about how to identify a terrorist.
And basically, it includes anyone who doesn't live in a city and eats out constantly.

The NDAA means you all are terrorists, we just ain't got around to you yet.

I forgot the TSA. And Homeland. I hate them. We got to undo them.