
Gotcha, so anecdotal hearsay should be the arbiter of truth here. That's isn't a very compelling argument and quite frankly makes you seem a fool.

What you should have done is pointed me to some evidence but since that doesn't exist you've brought a horrible idea. When I ask them how they know it was the vaccine and then they can't provide me anything more than "I just know it" why should I believe them? You think I should just believe them right? I think you should extend your distrust of mainstream media to all claims.

There is absolutely no credible evidence that vaccines cause autism. Jenny McCarthy and her likes are not credible. Andrew Wakefield is a corrupt and discredited monster. He lied to try and get rich of his own competing vaccine patent. Be his puppet if that's what you wish. Drink that Koolaide.

My nephew went autistic immediately after getting the MMR vaccination. They may have something to say about anecdotal evidence.

What is your point here? Invoking a personal connection to someone's anecdote then noting it as an anecdote serves what purpose?

Whopping Vaccine Injury Payouts for US Fiscal Year 2017 Released
maybe this might get your attention.