Will Companies Be The New Government In An Anarchist Society?! I Am Kind Of New Here, Lot's Of Questions...

in #anarchy8 years ago

The Last months I hear more and more voices rising against government. I do really like it to see and hear this and I agree that the government it self is the biggest problem already for many years.

But what if there would be no borders, a free market and no money controlled by centralized organization.

It sounds good but if the whole world is using the same currency, for example bitcoin, it will be possible for a company to eventually have the biggest share of money.

Is it possible than to end up in the same situation as we are now, that a small group of people have power over everyone via the money?

One solution for this problem could be that every city will have it's own currency so one company can be really big but can never have control over money?

An other solution could be that every company should be decentralized and have a democracy instead of a hierarchy?

I have why more questions about this idea but I think this will be enough for now to start a clear discussion!


@chanceb I am not sure what companies that you have in mind. Would please give some examples? A corporation can only resist the U.S. government so much.

The British Pound Stirling was the world's default currency. Then, the Bretton Woods Conference put its status in deep trouble. The Nixon shock of 1971 essentially ended its reign in favor of U.S. FRNs.

The globalists want a one-world currency and especially tied to a cashless system. We all have to have an eye on the possibility of cryptocurrencies playing into their hands. no borders and a one-world government is also on their plate.

Think of Facebook, Google, IBM and others that are working with IA.

@chanceb Again this is where I have caution since the several governments are working with certain corporations, including the ones that you mention. We have to be watchful so as to not follow the seductive pipings. Here's part of my reasoning: https://www.sovereign.ai/ Then when you look at the players, one goes, "Eew!" https://www.sovereign.ai/advisory-board

I do not want to smash your hopes. One has to keep in mind that George Orwell (Eric Blair) was one of the bad guys and that 1984 was a braggadocio work. Governments use words of art or Newspeak to trick individuals into volunteering for the chains. 1984 contained and was in and of itself a prime example of the tooling of Hegelian Dialects. So, I ask the question: "Will AI lead to telescreens everywhere?"

Instead of a focus on anti-government and resistance, I see efforts yielding better fruit through utilizing technology ahead of the slower-moving governments and individuals becoming enclaves of sovereignty and then mutual cooperation with the same. This would take advantage of true free markets and non-existing borders, as you alluded to earlier.

Now can cryptocurrencies play a role in this? Of course, however, one should have a healthy daytrader attitude and strategy at hand.

What about reducing the role of money in society, so it's less meaningful?