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RE: I Have To Speak Up About Ben Farmer and Adam Kokesh

in #anarchy7 years ago

Been getting bad internet so I just read your post. I’m so disappointed in Adam. I have never voted, didn’t see the point, but I got my hopes up for Adam. I guess it’s really not going to get better until it gets a whole lot worse, too bad. I really appreciate that you put yourself out there, volunteered to assist ushering in a voluntary society, it says a lot about who you are. Keep being you in your peaceful corner of the world and hold on because it’s going to get bad.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kindness. I was deeply disappointed too. They way Farmer handles any questions of the campaign reminds me of how Scientology handles people who complain... It makes no sense. Politics is about kissing butts, theoretically they still could have had, and should have wanted, my financial support and vote. Thank you for the comment.