Election time is an opportunity to educate people.
What I'm discovering on Steemit is that people don't want to be educated. They want their already-formed beliefs reinforced. I've had discussions with at least two Facebook people about it. When I told them that Facebook tracks them and then pipes them information that corresponds to their browsing history, their apparent beliefs and interests, they came back with, "Why would I want to view stuff I don't agree with?"
Both Google and Facebook use this algorithm. It must work and reflect the desires of the majority. Only a few of us want to learn new ideas that perhaps unsettle our beliefs and cause us to grow. The vast majority crave acceptance within a chosen group. Scares the living crap out of me.
Glad you will have the time to do other important things. My sister is now a volunteer at the library and has made herself available to seniors who cannot drive but need to get to the doctor or the grocery store. So much more rewarding and better than politicking.
Steemit has as built in rationale for the behavior at least - going and picking fights gets you flagged. Still, it seems like the art - and love of - lively debate is lost. The sad irony, to me, is how the truther community falls into the trap, too. (1 finger pointing out, 3 pointing at me.) I don't want to argue with anyone, about anything. If we cannot have a civil discussion, I prefer to walk away. I have gotten pre-emptive, and walk away the instant I perceive someone is too far gone in to "belief" to have a look at facts.
I agree. Pissing contests are pointless. Might as well have a conversation with a fireplug.
I strongly agree. I am a free speech absolutist. So, it makes me sad to hear that. ...Any "flagging" of anyone is the mark of a crippled "unfree speech" forum that doesn't deserve to live. I guess I'd better keep searching, or start building my own alternative!