Nice article. I'd like to know more about the author's personal philosophy, and gurus. Not because I want to challenge or criticize but because I'm always interested in learning who influenced people I consider like-minded in some way.
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1 - My philosophy can be summed up rather simply: each individual owns himself, and violent aggression is wrong, even when it's done in the name of "authority." (That makes me an anarchist/voluntaryist, by the way.) 2 - I have no gurus.
You ARE a guru.
Also, you undoubtedly did have influences that imparted to you wisdom. Certainly you have never claimed to have thought up voluntarism all by yourself.
I think that's what @cosimo means.
Guru might have been the wrong word. I'm a big fan of Aldous Huxley myself. I'd consider him to be someone who has helped to "enlighten" me. That's more what I was looking for. Whose philosophies does he follow that isn't someone like Nietzsche or Kant that any self-proclaimed thinker would be very familiar with.
Having influences is different than having gurus you follow. Larken just means no one or two people convinced him in a moment of his major beliefs he now has, he mostly argued himself there with refining his own arguments against strangers.
Thats what he will tell you, anyway. :)