📢 Is this Police officer drunk?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Another encounter with police. Although it's still light years ahead of many countries, it is still the problem that arises when you give people power that they have no real ethical right to. Everything is OK

Some comments:

Robert James
1 year ago
that copper looks like he cant wait to get back to his bottle of scotch

Paul Rose
2 years ago
I think he's been in the job too long!

Meme Bump
2 years ago
When you reach the end, compare how red the guy's face is to the beginning.
Not only did he look drunk, but it looks like trying to understand the difference between harassment and free speech was so much for him to comprehend, it set him into irrational anger that he could not understand himself, so it seeped through his skin.

Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 5.00.46 PM.png

A special word of thanks to some of my regular supporters, too many to mention

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Looks drunk to me!

i dont think so he is drunk

Oops - not good to be caught picking one's nose as well - you really are getting some good practise encountering police @dannyshine

I remember watching this on YT a while back. Very strange behavior.

Hey @dannyshine, he either has a suntan or likes a drink lol, anyway just wanted to let you know that I nominated you take part in the Seven Day Black and White Challenge in my last post.

Can you tell me more about that? What’s the point and how does it work? I know nothing about photography!

Yes! He is having a very hard time controlling his face. Itchy nose, itchy ears, wandering away. Reminds me of my dad when he wishes he could tell me off but there are witnesses present. : )