Paperwork means nothing, laws mean nothing. What people believe means everything. You can get hung for being right if no one else believes it.
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Paperwork means nothing, laws mean nothing. What people believe means everything. You can get hung for being right if no one else believes it.
I agree. The biggest problem with conspiracy theories is that they tend to ignore the fundamental darwinian laws of human weakness. The best conspiracy that the "elite" can really pull off is to profit successfully from the predictable ways the uneducated masses spend their time and energy. This has less to do with secrecy than just thinking ahead a few years at a time, and always placing bets on human stupidity. Contracts are socially constructed bullshit which have little to do with actual power.
Every single anarchist I met in Steemit, every single an-cap and/or libertarian believes that morality is objective, that you can justify what is wrong and right. You are probably the only one in here that understands this basic premise about how the world works.
It is extremely hard to pass a message to anyone when they are so stuck up in some things. Ideologies do that to people. Any ideology needs moral absolutism in order to justify its existence
Disbelief in objective realities and focus in subjective reality is the only truth, is how the elite trap our minds. They have created an infinite number of ideological boxes to trap us within
You need to shed the "elite control the world" mantra. People rule the world. Millions of people vote and maintain the elite. The masses dictate reality.
Reality is subjective. Morality is subjective. What you perceive as "real" or as "moral" is limited by your own senses and environment. You can't possibly have all the information available to you. You can't possibly see, hear, feel and undestand the entire history of the world in order to have an objective understanding of its current outcomes. It is physically impossible even by your own standards since "the elite control even the history books". If you do believe in their absolute power then the bitcoin, anarchy and all these fringe happenings are also part of their plan. You can even justify that since the blockchain is being adopted by the goverments. Remember. A server can be erased. The blockchain, is forever. That's like the goverment on steroids. So decide my friend. You can't be intellectually inconsistent with your theories.
What you have come to know as moral or legal is nothing more than the sum of people's decisions accumulated through millenia of interactions and events. Nobody set this plan up. The world is random. Chaotic. Nobody is after you. USA is not North Korea. You can can leave. You have a choice. You can even live in the States and still dodge the system. The internet allows you to do this if you play it smart enough.
"They" have not created anything. "They" is your imagination. Those people merely represent the average Joe's perception. This is why they are still there. Tinfoil theories trap you more in your own ignorance.
Read this at least to understand your physical limitations and how your reality, Every single human's reality is subjective. It is a biological reality. No need to invoke sophisms. Morality is a social construct, not something absolute. Moral absolutism belongs to theology.
I believe the masses dictate reality, but the masses are not even in control of themselves, and therefore are being steered against their interests. And I believe in objective reality, although I experience it through a subjective lens, which is limited, but still doesn't mean that an objective reality doesn't exist.
This subjective only reality belief system is nothing more than another form of solipsism, which i don't subscribe to. This is how people get trapped. The dark doesn't go away because you stop looking at it. You have to illuminate it with light through action.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say; " I create reality." ?@kyriacos
Every morning "you wake up" it would be more accurate to say: "The waking state presents itself" (cause you have nothing to do with waking up) you create you, the others, the world, your god, your philosophy, and what not.