Our World is run by the THE MOB! part 1.

in #anarchy7 years ago

How the War on drugs is the best example the criminal conspiracy of fraud works like a mobster movie…

The World is run exactly like what we know as the American Mafia... mobsters.

The war on drugs is the best example of the criminal conspiracy of fraud, murder, mayhem works like a mobster movie…

The quick synapsis is this, “they” own the production net work

  • use the CIA (and the like) to be the go between.
  • Run the DEA through US Gov.
  • Manipulate Cartels and distribution networks using the DEA.
  • Build up police presence to “fight” the WOD…and your control grid.
  • Sell the weapons and machinery to the paramilitary police & DEA
  • Sell the weapons to the cartels
  • Take 20% cut to launder the drug cash through your banks
  • Own the prison system that houses “drug” inmates.

And in the end taking somewhere near a 35-40% CUT from the "business(s)" the “war o drugs” .

Simple solution to deal with it is to help people that are addicted beyond the ability to live within accepted boundaries of societal norms.

Provide good clean safe drugs. Give this tiny percentage menial jobs to pay there way, provide minimal housing.

Most of all doctors and psychiatry to help them to stop, or at least improve the circumstance of their existence, their worth and outlook on life, including life span.

The actual cost to society as a whole, would be minimal as they could generate most of what required with our hep but, on their own. The “savings” across society as whole, across every aspect of our lives that is touched by this disgusting scam is almost un-measurable. Especially in terms of human suffering, from the poor farmers at the start, the loss of life including innocents, wasted lives in prisons…its unknowable to totally account for the negative affects on our world.

I realize this maybe a little hard to believe for some and simplistic for others, but just watch the history of the opium trade. How rich people/mobsters from England used it to profit and control China…It just evolved from there. In the eighties when they were losing control over renegade cartels, they needed the war on drugs and the DEA to clamp down and get them inline or imprisoned or dead! See Pablo Escobar story!

This is perhaps the simplest racket they run on us. Meaning that its easy for us see, to believe possible, and understand the BS that we are being sold, how its for the greater good to have this fake war financed by us. They get paid from all sides, from every angle, as usual and just like any MOB operation would work, the boss always gets a "taste"

It's easy see and understand how this could be true, including dozens and dozens truthful examples from history... Iran Contra scandal, for instance. What is far more difficult for the average person to understand, is that this is the same thing “they” do throughout every aspect of lives…they run it no different, its all manipulated for maximum profit and maximum control over us.

If they weren't such greedy psychopathic scumbag parasitic assholes...You have to admit that they're pretty clever, or we're pretty stupid...

Part 2. has a breakdown of the financial costs to us and the rough profits to them based off of information I could find on the web.