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RE: Forced to Move Away From USA to Continue a Career: Pro Poker Stories Part 1

in #anarchy9 years ago

It wouldn't have been all my poker money, but I had roughly 20-25% of my net worth online at the time. I had so many different emotions after this happened.

For one, I was getting ready to withdraw a large portion of the money I had online out (probably 60%) cause the summer was coming and most players go to Vegas and play in the World Series of Poker, so I wanted money to go play in big tournaments.

For two, it didn't just rob me of money I had, but future money I could make. Poker wasn't as easy in 2011 as it was in the 05-08 years, but hourly winrates were still quite high.

In the immediate aftermath, I tried going up to the Commerce Casino to play every day. It was just so much more inconvenient. When I play online I play anywhere from 4 to 12 tables at a time, seeing 60 hands per hour per table. I can join and leave games whenever I choose. If I want to go play live I had to drive 45 minutes, then wait around for 10-15 minutes to get into a game, sit in an uncomfortable chair and play 30 hands an hour away from the comfort of my own home. Some people enjoy it and even prefer it, but it wasn't a sustainable life for me.

tl;dr. cliffs: a mixture of sadness, anger, bitterness, and jealousy of the rest of world players that could continue playing