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RE: The "Social Contract" Excuse

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

There are some missing pieces here that I hope to discuss with you in Mexico. The social contract is more than just a theory, and it is also completely not arbitrary and automatically in force or effect. We absolutely do enter into contract with the State and there are absolutely different classes of "citizen" starting with most that have zero rights as they granted them all away (a fundamental right of man) and ending with the ones who have full private property rights. The main problem is that WE have forgotten, combined with brainwashing and 'schooling' through multiple generations of public schools and successive wars and economic crashes, what our rights are and how to access them. I am NOT supporting the State and statism, I am simply suggesting that a BIG part of the problem is that we have forgotten law and how to use it to our advantage and 'reclaim' what was not taken away, but what was granted away through ignorance. I have witnessed this first hand.