Interesting interviews and answers...
I would hazard a guess that the responses to these same questions would vary considerably, depending on which society you ask them in. Specifically, the more wealth disparity, the greater the mistrust.
As a Danish national, when I go back to Denmark (from living in the US) I notice that people are FAR more trusting in Denmark... which is also far more egalitarian (philosophically) than the US. Conversely, when my Danish relatives visit the US, I have often heard things like "Why do so many Americans think someone is out to GET them?"
I would imagine Japan would fall more towards the "trusting" end of the spectrum; I also imagine a society where almost EVERYone is dirt poor would be more cooperative. In societies that have a blatant Uber/Underclass, probably less so, and more cheating and deception.
Just theorizing, though.