personally I disagree with Proudhon and much of anarchism, but I'm happy to see this writing on Steemit. When Hivemind comes out with communities, we should have a 'united-front' group.
"I plan on doing a whole post about why the subjective theory of value(the value theory purposed by right wing libertarian thinkers) and why it isn't materially based."
Yeah, me too. I don't understand the appeal of the Austrian school or idealistic explanations of value. It explains nothing. I suppose they just don't realize that.
Oh i'm not a mutualist, I just wanted to do a blog series about the different factions in anarchism and economic topics.
There are parts of mutualism that I think make sense and there are parts that I don't like.
My main concern when writing this post was to have anarcho-capitalist see where anarchism comes from and maybe get what historical anarchism is all about. the majority of the anarchist tag is caps so I thought I'd try and get some actual historical perspective in there, maybe weasel in some dialectics while i'm at it.
I consider myself an Eco-Anarchist actually.
I'll definitely support a united-front type group, solidarity, always.
"I don't understand the appeal of the Austrian school or idealistic explanations of value. It explains nothing. I suppose they just don't realize that."
Seriously, in the first chapter of capital Marx addresses why value isn't subjective, and why it may seem that way upon a very superficial examination. There is so much data supporting the labor theory of value that the Austrian school is just pseudoscience at this point.
There's a term I haven't seen on Steemit yet. I like you