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RE: BE ABOUT IT: Agorist/Musician traveling the US and giving back to local communities with Steem!

in #anarchy9 years ago

What an inspiring story. If I lived in Texas I'd seek you out and join you in helping others. It's beautiful what you are doing and I wish you ever success in making it happen. I'd love to upvote your terrific article but I don't know how to do it. Any hints? I'll keep trying. Many blessings!!


thank you. Just click on the arrow next to where it says $1.36 and you've voted. As I said, I'm traveling all over so if I'm near your state at any point, hit me up!

Thank you so much for responding. I appreciate it. And thanks for the lesson. I'm brand new here and have so many questions about how this site works, but I'm thrilled to have found your story. I'm in NJ. Have a wonderful day 😀