
where'd you get your house from?

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion at all, but I didn't steal it or coerce anyone into "selling" to me.

So you just got the house from divine intervention, then? Weird.

Your response is, quite honestly, crazy. It is a nonsequitur and a strawman.

I don't believe in the supernatural, plus trade-- which is how I got my house-- is the most human of activities; it's not "divine" unless you are contrasting it with theft which would then be the opposite of "divine".

It seems you would benefit by learning the two ways humans interact; the only two ways they can do so: "the political means" vs "the economic means". You keep advocating using the political means, which would make you just as guilty as you claim Bill Gates is.

So who got your house before you did and how did they get it?

I know who owned this house (and land) before I did, going back decades. All of the ones I know about bought the property from someone else, in a mutually consensual arrangement.

Now, I know what you're trying to get to, so let me go ahead and address it.

Yes, this area was inhabited by the Commanche before the first "white-eye" settler moved here. And before the Commanche drove them away, this area was inhabited by other Native nations, including the Apache. That's as far back as I know, but I'd be willing to bet that those who were here before the Commanche kicked someone off the land. As did the previous inhabitants going back to just a short while after the first humans migrated to North America. So, who legitimately owned the land that I bought? Who did I violate?

All inhabited land on the planet has been stolen and traded for thousands of years. At some point, you've got to wipe the slate clean, because you aren't responsible for the distant past. All I know is that I didn't violate any living person to buy this house, and I refuse to violate anyone from this time forward.

Where did your land come from? You talk "decades" but why not talk centuries? My point is there is an original sin there and you can try to pretend there isn't, but no matter how hard you do it doesn't matter. You having exclusive access to your land while there are homeless people is bizarre. However, you means anyone who thinks that they matter more over others, of course. And you and your billionaire friends (I say friends because you do their bidding and they love every last bit of it) prevent others from accessing areas they have every natural right to access.

The point doesn't apply to specific random people, it applies to a class of rich elites who buy up "land" and "property" and prevent others from using it even though it causes death and suffering.

Did you know we have more empty AirBNB apartments in the USA than homeless people? Explain to me how that makes sense in a rational society, and I'll immediately convert to your anarchocringerism.

Nothing should ever come at the expense of precious human life. Explain to me why you think you are better than someone else? What about YOU makes you more valuable than a homeless person?