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RE: Anarchy Misunderstood

in #anarchy5 years ago

Nope. Once again you've managed to come to the backward conclusion. Are you trying to get the wrong idea, or are you not as smart as I had originally assumed?

Leaving people to live their own lives as they see fit is the most humane, compassionate, and caring way to live among others. Without contest. If I didn't care about anyone but myself, I would advocate stealing their property and violating them in other ways as long as I thought it would get me ahead. As you can see, that's not what I advocate.

And I do mean what I say. Do you believe I should kill people who have done nothing but reject my offer to not violate them? Seems kind of violent to me. But that's the nature of government, isn't it.

You would "help" people not die of preventable diseases by sending armed employees of the state to murder them in their homes if they don't want your help? Because that is what you're advocating. Maybe when you grow up you'll learn to live peaceably with the rest of your species. I certainly hope so.


Universal healthcare is not having armed militias breaking down doors. You really are deranged lmfaooooo

"leaving" people doesn't work. This isn't 13,017 BCE, this is 2019 AD, you can't hit the reset button on your minecraft server.

Get real or go home. You're an idiot.