Hahahah.... no I didn't see that. Careful looking too closely at those sites might make you ill.
I worked for CPSI, Inc (now out of business) up until early 1996 I believe. I then went to work for IBM. I've had my own IT Consulting business in remote mountains of Colorado for 9 years (ended around 2007). I was the IT person for Hinsdale County in Colorado which included the Sheriff's office (perhaps the least populated county in the U.S.) Which is where I met my second wife. She was actually a Deputy Sheriff. Though she'd never consider being a cop again. She decided that quite some time ago.
She's pretty much an Anarchist as well. :)
Haha wow...nice conversion, my man! I have a hard enough time taking normies down the anarchist path. You married a frickin Deputy Sheriff and turned her against the state in the process?!?! You can't make that stuff up. You're like a frickin lambo on this anarcho-super highway! LOL!