How False Flags Turned Me Off Being Governed and On To Freedom

in #anarchy9 years ago

Everybody knows government monopoly means their service can be inefficient at times, downright degradingly rude at others. We can also have human experience with people in government when we each appreciate the depths of the other.

But how many of us could accept that many people are involved, wittingly and unwittingly, in internationally sponsored shadow government exercises, planned events by one group, blamed on another group- (hence the term "false flag")- for our endless justification of war games.
For the ever tightening yoke of laws "for our protection".
For their Problem, Reaction, Solution predesigned Hegelian Dialectic.

It took me the longest time to see. I know many people who work in government and they´re all relatively normal.
I could never believe people, en masse, would or could be so devious, knowingly, and/or... how could they all be fooled???

As the saying goes, you can fool some people some times, but over time, truth rises like bubbles, and as the picture becomes clearer in everyones´minds there will be a backlash.

This is where we are at right now. So many major events are very quickly picked over and proven different from the official version, by bloggers and citizen journalists who don´t trust the media for anything BUT deception and propaganda now.

Yes that is David Wheeler the Dad of one of the 26 "victims" of Sandy Hook "shooting", who also managed to play a role as an extra "swat team guy" on the day. Schmuck .

Just to be clear false flag events are very different and varied, even though they show hallmarks of each other. Sometimes people really die, sometimes deaths are merely alluded to.
Sometimes they are events to shape public opinion to rally behind restrictions on citizen weaponry, sometimes they are to get a whole nation behind the destruction of another nation.

Just in the last few years the things I have researched that fall into this category include but are not limited to ... Sandy hook, Boston Bombing, Nice Truck Attack, James Holmes Aurora Theatre shootings, The Port Arthur Massacre, Australia, The Bali Bombing to get Australia to join in on the war against Iraq, the 7/7 London attacks to convince the UK to get more involved, The Oslo Norway mass shooting and bombing, The LA airport with the dummy in the wheelchair, The Sydney Siege, Pulse Nightclub, Je Suis Charlie...and so many more.

If you think it´s just conspiracy theory, it´s actually a tactic of war, especially mind war.

By around 2008 I had to start to say something in a public way.
I started making jokes about terrorism that ended up on Al Jazeera...
Why aren´t there any women terrorists?
72 male virgins.. that´s no drawcard for a lady.

There was a "terrorist- see something- say something" TV, Billboard and bus stop ad campaign going on in Australia at the time filling everyone with fear of backpacks.
No. I didn´t say blackpacks.
That was 200 years prior.
(As a proud possibly 1/16 Origine I have the right to make jokes about that minority part of myself. I can also eat my lunch standing on one leg)

How do you feel living in your land when you are openly critical of government?

When you are exposing the crimes of the beast
You feel like a gnat with a toothpick.


But what choice do you have? Shut up and focus on other things?
That would make me complicit.

I was already philosophically and psychologically against the concept of government for years even before discovering all these false flag events. But finding out about some things made me have to speak up to try to help make it stop.
I certainly could no longer comply with arbitrary government demands or pay any of their taxes, fines, tolls or registrations.

Once I had begun to comprehend the agenda of our delusional self appointed elitist masters I was no longer able to keep gifting them my energies.

I woke up to the fact that T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) can only get away with these false flag tricks until we stand up and call them for what they really are. The cruelest sins. Then blamed on some innocent patsy.

Is there anything lower?

You know bad people can only succeed if good people say nothing


Its a shame he wouldn't commit to really acknowledging what you were saying, but I get why..Aha that video was great, well said @elissahawke!

I just saw on your youtube channel the woodford 07 debate clip .. Mind blown - I remember seeing this! 9 years feels like a lifetime ago now, very cool to stumble across you again

ha! nearly got booed off by 2000 people that was wild you must have been switched on for a while then ; )

Hey Elissa. I laughed at the video. I'm surprised a bureaucrat could be so amicable while you're talking about those kinds of ideas. Every time I had to call a bureaucrat in Aus, I used to play the game of "How long will it take before they threaten me, say 'I'm not going to argue with you', or hang up". Usually took less than three minutes.

Remember to look in the trending tags here before you make a post, to help your post get in front of more eyes.


hey Kurt!
Happy to see you on here, you guys inspired me!
Too funny you watched the call I wanted it to be funny but when i actually made the call i was crapping my dacks
I need a month long steemit workshop... do you mean... look at the tag words, and choose the ones with the most value and then try and post withing those realms?
I do NOT know what I´m doing but I´m enjoying the energy here

I mean, when you're about to post something, look at the trending tags and select some of those to put on your post. You don't have to write articles according to what's popular, but when you tag what you do write, you want to give it the best chance of people seeing it.

That's alright, you seem to know what you're doing enough to make your posts entertaining. I added you to a bunch of Steemit groups on Facebook so you can promote your stuff.