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RE: A Message To Anarchists

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

I cannot tell. Maybe your country is lost for you personally. You seem to suffer a great deal from all that politics and media. From where do you get strength and guidance then?

Move? Leave the country? Surround yourself with a different framework? If the "we" is not "you" how can you make it to be? I have no idea whether you push it a little too strong or you could actually be more active to have a sense of effectiveness.

Do you have to act more or to let it go more?
Or is my impression wrong that it gives you stress?

You see, you speak a lot in terms of "we". What you say in your last paragraph seems to be the way to go. But as you know, this cannot be pushed for others. If the fate of a mass of people already has gained momentum than maybe nothing can stop it. That also is something to take into account. It's easy to have peace in mind and peace in heart when circumstances are supporting fulfillment and a sense of meaning. If not, the road is hard to walk and self guidance has to be renewed and repeated several times a day...

I am a seeker myself and what is true for me sounds in many cases true for you. There are lots of people like us. This does give me some consolation. How about you?

edit: I could say that for myself as I see a great senselessness for my country as well. When I step back and see it more from a distant perspective and take history into account, I could say: My fellow human beings will become extinct in their way of life one day. They maybe will be overtaken by stronger forces as the force within the individualist is just too weak to be taken seriously, even by himself.

Maybe this is my struggle and pain. I neither want to take on a fatalistic or pessimistic nor an aggressive position in that. That's the reason I write and want to get in touch with people. I guess, for you counts the same. Which course then to take? Really difficult.


Well, I used to be politically active and found that it made me quite angry and frustrated. I then shifted my focus to spirituality and limited my view to my own direct subjective experience and was quite happy. Now, I have returned to worldly affairs, but with the knowledge and experience gained by spiritual study and find that I am agitated again, though in a different way.

Rather than seeking to change the world by way of the power structure, or seeking personal contentment through willful ignorance, I seek only to discover the truth and share what I find. And yes, there is one single truth to be discovered - this is defined by events that actually take place, and the cause-and-effect processes that create them. There is also my subjective experience of that reality, which I have some measure of control over.

Right now, I am not exercising that latter power with great effect. I am trying to adjust, but I am indignant at people's unwillingness to value truth; preferring their illusions. Other people are a relevant factor. This world we experience is a co-creation. I am not wholly in control of what happens here, though I can choose to handle it better. I am mildly consoled by others demonstrating their commitment to truth, but their numbers are paltry, and I see more cause for frustration than hope.

It may be true (and I suspect that it is) that we are on a course than cannot be reversed. However, suspicion is not knowledge, and so I must account for the possibility that I am wrong in this evaluation. I have a duty to share truth, as I believe this is how mankind grows into its full potential and authentic expression - by cooperative effort. We stand on the shoulders of others to reach new heights. We pull each other up from the depths of falsehood, confusion, and depravity. No man is an island, and if we are co-creating together, I would have my contribution be fervently in favor of authenticity; bringing my thoughts and actions into alignment with our true nature and the nature of this universe.

So I believe I need to both act more and let it go. Work diligently in wisdom, while being released from the outcome. This balance has not yet been achieved, but I'm working on it!

Overall, I believe that the collective consciousness of man cannot be stopped from reaching its natural potential. However, we may suffer 1,000 years of the most hellish conditions imaginable en route to that inevitability. I would seek to avoid this, as I do not know it to be necessary. If I thought it was necessary, I would run off to the woods and seek to find my own happiness; but as it stands now, I must try to avert this disaster until such time as I know it to be unavoidable.