Yes the US influence is everywhere masking itself as freedom.
Though yes, still many Germans go to buy food almost every day! That's probably why they don't have dinner until 9 or 10 hahaha :)
Yes the US influence is everywhere masking itself as freedom.
Though yes, still many Germans go to buy food almost every day! That's probably why they don't have dinner until 9 or 10 hahaha :)
AHHAHAHAHAAA That's awesome!! I cannot wait to go and visit one day :) :) I hear stories all the time, they always keep their eggs out on the counter, their fridges are teeny tiny. I read that Canada and the US are one of the only places in the world that refrigerate eggs. Because of the factory farms, the poor/dirty ares the chickens are living and laying in, they have to wash the eggs, and once washed must be refrigerated. I read that in other countries, there's always a little mud, or straw in any egg carton.
And the shells are so nice and hard!
Yes, the fridge's are tiny! Hehe. Though I guess they'd be f***** if SHTF without any food stored. Haha. I guess they've just accepted they'd be some of the first to go if the zombie apocalypse hit. Lmao.