I think what you are missing here is that 'real' people will not be allowed to rise in the heirarchy.
Excepting Ron Paul, and that by appearances only, the LP has been coopted since Harry Browne.
The candidates since then have been insiders, to the best of my knowledge.
If Ron Paul couldn't turn 30 years of contacts into a legitimate run for president, I doubt anybody not an insider ever will.
Just as the only anarchists we get fed in the media, Bookchin, Rothbard, I won't include Von Mises despite the claims, are sellouts.
If they wanted to point to anarchists they would point to Bakunin, Goldman, Kropotkin and Berkman, among many others, but instead we get fed lines from those that eat at the public trough.
Give the truth time, it will come out and if that dude, ak, doesn't prove to be shill I'll stop eating sugar.