
I don't believe I said anything about capitalism having a boss. In fact I said capitalism was anarchy, which implies that it just happens without anyone in control of it.

If you are using money to engage in exchanges somebody is in control, it is the nature of the beast.
If each person is a dictator over his little kingdom, as crapitalism facilitates and encourages, the boss is you.
I don't seek to eradicate private property, what is yours is yours, exclusively, but the crumbs, minimum wages, that fall from the crapitalusts' tables is wearing a little thin for me.
But then I have gone to the mountain and seen the elephant.

Money is just the store of your previous effort. It is only a more efficient way to obtain what you wish. You could haul around a bunch of corn you grew and trade certain amounts for this or that. But still you are using your previous efforts, and if you don't use or trade all that corn up it will lose value as it decays.

Yes, I also choose to be the boss of myself - and that is not a bad thing.

Ok, in the days of farms and wagons this is probably a good idea, in the days of robots replacing millions of workers and world wide distribution systems capable of abundance for all, you'll understand how quaint the answer seems.
If the people that kept walmart's shelves full continue to fill the shelves, they can take what they want and as long as they return to work tomorrow there will be plenty for all.

The banksters won't like it much, but they can go fly a kite.

As long as anything takes human effort your ideas cannot work. Taking the fruits of human labor without an agreed upon exchange is theft and/or slavery.

So yea, once we have an army of robots to do all our work down to cleaning the toilets and Star Trek style replicators - then we can live how you think.

But, I am not taking anybody's fruit, you got me confused with crapitalism.
The agreement that would be necessary for you to agree to would be to meet the minimum number of hours to replace what you consume.
You would be agreeing to work in return for consuming.
It would be up to you to make your donation of labor consistent with your level of consumption.
If you are happy with a house, food, and time to raise you kids then you could get by with the minimum, but if you need multiple motor vehicles, multiple TVs, whatever extravagance you desire, then you would want to adjust your contribution level so that the neighbors don't start hating.