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RE: A practical problem for the Anarchist and New Age Voluntarists (and any other starry-eyed idealist). (featuring @vuyusile as author)

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

You appear to be genuinely inquisitive and curious, both great traits we need more of. If I understand your question correctly, there is no single answer or response that would cover the practical results of applying tools like steemit in making society better.

Since you already seem to be convinced The State is a major cause of a large number of problems that restrict freedom and thwart individual's ability to do well and actually thrive, what you appear to lack is an understanding of how decentralization (bringing control closer to the individual), individual empowerment and truly free trade & free exchange of ideas creates an emergent property of prosperity for the whole of society.

You wish to avoid a discussion about the role economics and governance has in moving society along a master agenda, one not based on personal choices by an aggregate of large groups of individuals but one based on a group of masters, "governors" or elitists that set such agendas regardless of what individuals or communities desire for themselves. I see the problem of statism the same way I view slavery. Think of how long it took to go from the mindset that slavery is OK, society needs it, it's part of the status quo, to how abhorrent slavery is today to the majority of humans on planet Earth. The same type of shift needs to take place about violence. The concept of freedom and how to protect it is sorely lacking in schools, and is unfortunately taken for granted. That needs to change, and better communication tools address that.

The internet and steemit are a deep resource for finding evidence for the answers you seek. You will not find rock solid, unquestionable proof for how a volunteerist / anacho society would work (on a large scale) but you can find in on smaller scales. There are many, many examples of anarchy in action.

As Larken Rose says, our enemy is not people or institutions or countries, it is belief in authority, a concept. Until the mindset of a sufficient number of people can understand the NAP and see statism for what it is, can see that violence creates more problems than it solves, society is destined to keep repeating the same cycles of tyranny and revolution.

That tells me our efforts should be focused as much on re-education as on building alternatives of integrity to the corrupted systems and institutions dominating money/banking, politics and truly educating our children so they can think for themselves critically rather than being taught to look to some authority figure to provide answers.

The answers you seek are out there waiting for you to discover them, to apply them. Don't rely on others to provide the answers (not that you are doing so), be proactive and do your own investigation and due diligence.

I sincerely hope you take on the challenge. That is the best way to be confident of your position, to actually and deeply understand why you believe what you do about your role in making the world a better place to live for others besides (but not excluding) yourself.


Although your reply does not offer concrete policies and programs of intervention that would address the problem posed, I found this was very helpful, thank you.

I have also observed your measured claims for the success of the ideologies in question. The area of traction you emphasise is decentralised, individual, family and local community - based. That seems a sensible model - and perhaps this is the space where creative energies are best spent as we think about expanding the possibilities for freedom.
I still can't see freedom without law. Once we have law, I can't see the absence of centralisation. I have extracted the principle that we are engaged in an evolutionary process. As I stated in my response to @dantheman I am excited by the possibilities that may emerge in the space created by the social disruption that this program offers.

Thank you for your affirmation vuyusile. It's worth repeating to say anarchism / voluntarism is not about abolishing rules, it's about abolishing rulerS!