Monsanto already own the patents to agricultural seeds and sues the shit out of farmers with the government’s blessing.
yes, legal seeds. Yes they sue those who inadvertently steal their intellectual property. And that does not stop anyone from growing other varieties. You cannot patent a cannabis strain in the US at this time.
The government does not have a patent on cannabis, they have a patent on an application of cannabis.
I am still not sure what individual is the victim in cannabis legalization. By abstaining from voting you are tacitly approving whoever wins.
By not screaming women are tacitly approving being raped.
if they don't how else is anyone going to know?
So it's her fault for getting raped if for some reason (fear, etc) she doesn't? That's ludicrous, homey.
Her fault for getting raped? I am sure I didn't say that, more like it is not anyone's fault for not helping her if she didn't say anything. How can anyone else know she is being raped if she doesn't say anything?