There is a term the anarchistVols use called "Agora". Since anarchists won't really have anything to do in the political sphere, what do they fill their time up with? Living life; trading with each other. Creating. Developing. Entertaining. Worshiping. Right?
From what I gathered, it was Larkin Rose and his girlfriend (wife?) who came up with the idea a few months before this year's Anarchopulco to "fork" off it and create an impromptu agora, the following weekend. To get a feel for how it ended up, follow "kennyskitchen" here in Steemit. Go to that blog and watch the interviews. You'll get up to speed, quick.
I believe anarchoforko also has it's own Steem blog, as well. After watching some of that stuff, too, please get back to me and I will discuss with you, how linking with this, Adam's campaign could seriously benefit. Because most of them are what I call "neoHippies", they don't usually subscribe to the "rough stuff" that AnarchoCapitalists roll in.... and they tend to be like Amish pacifists. So they are TOTALLY reliant on persuading people to leave them alone; they don't want to fight with predators and parasites. That's where they have serious incentive to help us distribute Adam's "Freedom!" book. Yes?
I'm here in Lansing, MI. [email protected] Anyone. Anytime.
I follow kenny, and I am familiar with agora, I think that we have to engage if we truly want to rid ourselves of the force of the state. For me that is being active in the Lp. Thanks for the info
multiTask, my good man. We can grow NON-GMO food and be active in the LP, simultaneously. LOL You wouldn't happen to live in Elkhart Co., IN with Sheriff Brad Rogers "on duty", would you? ..the sheriff who stood down the feds while protecting his Amish constituency.
Oh and we already have a non GMO garden, we can and the like. We are as independant as we can be in this government controlled world, and our budget allows.
No... i'm not talking about a "garden"... I am talking about a 40-100 acre farm (perhaps some permaculture included) owned by a company of 100 libertarian shareholders. This "lone wolf" stuff ain't cuttin' it.
And rumor has it, Brad Rogers is retiring after this year. Term limited? I used to communicate with him on a regular basis....
I am connected to a group that funtions well. Good on you for having that.
Nope, central Indiana, i am familiar with Elkhart though, have some good friends from there.