
Your view:
'How about steem be divided equally at the end of each day? It does not matter if you make a post or not, or even how good your post is – we all get the same amount of steem placed into our accounts. That way we are all equal, we all get a piece. Sounds good right?'

This is wrong, you seem to be leaning more to communist ideas, so to use your train of thought socialism would be closer to:
Everyone on steemit has a chance to post and recieve a payment, as a community the users of steem ensure all users can recieve fair steem for their effort.

Oh yes I see, you are correct - my error. Ok how about this then?

'Everyone posts on steemit and people vote to award steem to the best posts. Then at the end of the day, the people who received more steem will have it taken out of their accounts and placed among the rest so that everyone ends up with an equal amount.'

Sorry about that, socialism and communism are so closely related - the only difference is at what point they take your effort to make it equal for everyone.

Socialism and communism may both be left wing ideologies but only someone who has no understanding of either would ever try to mingle the two.

Socialism is when the people collectively own the means of production. If I'm not mistaken. It has nothing to do with taking other people's capital or cash and redistributing it to others so that everyone has the exact same amount of stuff. I have no idea where nor when that became inculcated in the conservative narrative.

Come to think of it, I don't think there even exists a sociopolitical theory which involves pillaging like that and forcing the spoils upon others ...

Socialism is just communism's kinder little brother. But once the going gets tough, he often (not always) turns out just like his bigger brother.

@getonthetrain The only connection between socialism and communism is that Marx theorized that in order to transition from Capitalism to Communism, a period of socialism was required.

Meh, I'm still a foolish utopian. Make mine a Social Democracy, where we all have equal votes and myopic greed is held in check by oversight, which in turn is *actually transparent and overseen by, "We the People."

Come on, remember how much playing Monopoly with your family or older sibling SUCKED!?! Monopoly was created after the Great Depression to illustrate the downfall of unchecked Capitalism. You know, the naked aggression of blind profiteering? LOL just kidding ... I think.