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RE: Cowardice Is Not a Virtue

in #anarchy7 years ago

My friend, who is trying to be an actor and usually leans to the left, told them during the last campaign to shut up. He said, "we pay you for your entertainment not to listen to your knowledge on subjects you know nothing about" I thought it was pretty hillarious.

Some of the worse laws in the US always come after a tragedy. Emotion doesn't equate to good law making.

Last but not least I have a friend who won top shot in the second or third season and he said cops are some of the worst shots in the country. They receive very little gun training and said something along the lines of most gun enthusiast are better at target shooting and gun safety then your average police officer. Makes you warm and fuzzy all over doesn't it.


Cops are bad shots, and amazingly irresponsible with their firearms handling. They routinely violate every rule that every responsible gun owner knows and abides by.

This is very true. I have read in multiple places over the years, that plice officers only have to qualify once per year if that. They don't even have to go to the range in most states, as long as they pass one little test they are good to go. It should be you need to pass multiple tests a year + have training with dummies and use blanks(more like training exercises they use in covert ops and higher level stuff).

I have gone out to target shoot and practice so much with my shotgun for example, that I almost never miss shooting a clay pidgeon . Ican throw them up in the air myself and shoot them, or throw 2 and get them both, i can have friends throw up them randomly and get them rapidly etc.

I am a really good shot with my ar-15, so much so that i can fire as fast as possible from 100 meters out and reliably land shots within a small grouping. Of course it took 100s of hours of learning how to shoot, how to lean in, hold gun, a few upgraddes to gun and sigh and all that, but i would be a way better person to have as a cop because Iam just so fluid with the gun and wouldn't immediately ever shoot someone. too much discipline.

I practice clearing my house with each weapon. where to stand, where a burglar would come in from, where they could stand.

I don't think cops do almost anything like this with their guns or training, and if they do I know at least in my state they only do it one time(before being hired), once hired zilch!

Yet ask yourself how rarely an armed bystander takes out the bad guy in movies and on TV.
They're telling stories while they're telling their stories.

"Wheels within wheels" I learned decades ago. It's still repeating...

If that happened the movie would be over way too quickly! 😆