Yeah, I have had it up to the eyeballs with bullying cops!
They seem to pick out women on their own, as if they are some sort of messed up Shariah Enforcement Squad or something!
Oh yes, and the Poor! Pick on those people who are least able to afford your Stupid Fraudulent Extortionate Racketeering Fines.
Don't Pay the Fine. Send the Note back to them with
"UCC 1-308, All Rights Reserved"
written in Large Font in Red Permanent Marker across it.
Even if it goes to Court, the Judge will not be able to enforce any lawful penalty against your Fiance, because she is well within her rights to travel, even if she hasn't paid into their extortionate racket. If he does, file an appeal, because at that point he is Outside of Law (he is an Out-Law).
This is not Legal Advice, BTW, just Common Law Knowledge.
Every time they pull this BS, they weaken themselves, so keep fighting the good fight, my friend!
God Bless and God Speed!