Anarchy Novel "Will" Chapter 6 (part 1)

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers! I am happy to present my new anarchy themed novel! I will post the entire book for free via steemit posts, a chapter or two at a time.  

Title: Will 

Genre: Science Fiction, Political Thriller, Comedy 

Synopsis: Early 30th Century Earth is literally divided by a mysterious wall. On the dark side of the wall, millions suffer from mind control, despotic rulers, war, pain, and suffering. On the light side of the wall, it is the complete opposite. There is peace, freedom, and prosperity. One day a man from the dark side manages to get to the other side, a fateful event which will change the world forever. 

Happy Reading! Please share!   

Please note: To begin reading from the beginning, refer to my earlier steemit posts or download the book for free on my blog @  

  Chapter 6   The next morning again had a clear, sparkling blue sky. The stranger was just beginning to feel comfortable in his new surroundings and now he was venturing out to see more of this strange world. He still didn’t know how exactly he would pay his way. And what about travel permits! Where he came from he needed special papers to travel. In order to get these special papers, one had to pay money, fill out numerous forms, and make appointments! These things take time! How could one just head for the hills on a whim? It was quite an outrageous idea, he thought. Despite his doubts, he was overall feeling excited at the prospect of learning their way of life. He thought for sure his experiences on this side of the wall would give him a great deal of writing material upon his return. This was all running through his mind as he made his way through the house. Quite an impressive house, it was, too. It had charming works of art generously scattered throughout. Paintings, carvings, drawings, and all types of synthetic materials which he was unfamiliar with. The walls of the place were brightly colored, full of life. The floor was a sleek hardwood. The ceilings were vaulted and stone archways led the way to separate rooms. What a marvelous place to live! No one that he knew back home had even close to this much space. Everyone he knew was in the city.      

  The stranger was drawn towards the kitchen by the allure of fresh brewed coffee. As he came near, he could hear the chatter of Ray and Sophia. Upon entering, he was greeted by Ray with great enthusiasm. “Good morning! Ready for the big day?” “I don’t feel ready,” the stranger replied. “Why is that?” questioned Sophia. “I know why,” Ray spoke with a hearty grin, “He hasn’t had any coffee yet.” The stranger was handed a cup of steaming wake up juice by Sophia. “Well, I suppose one of the most obvious reasons I don’t feel ready is that I don’t have any travel papers,” he informed them with a sigh. Ray and Sophia gave each other a confused look. “Travel papers? What are those?” Ray asked, genuinely uncertain and curious. “Where I come from,” the stranger began, “It is necessary to obtain a travel permit from the government when you go more than one hundred miles from your home.” This was extremely peculiar to Ray and Sophia. They knew nothing of travel papers or licenses of any sort. The very idea of external government was completely foreign to them! Permission to travel, how insane!   

   “You’re joking, right?” Ray asked in a semi-serious tone. He really thought it might be a joke due to its utter absurdity. Equally bewildered, the stranger asked, “You mean that I don’t need a travel permit here?” All Sophia and Ray could do was laugh. “With your natural ability for humor, maybe you should join Jovius on stage,” Ray suggested. Sophia pointed out the front window and exclaimed, “Speak of the devil, here he is!”      

  Jovius was making his way from a large black vehicle. It was sleek, with clearly defined angles and very stylish for a transport vehicle. It was loaded down with all sorts of merchandise safely stored in its high arching rear. Jovius approached the door. He was wearing another plethora of color which made him look like a walking montage. Sophia opened the front door and serenaded him with the usual tongue-in-cheek salutation. “That’s a no parking zone, but if you make the right offer, maybe I can let you slide!” Jovius laughed and, never at a loss for retorts, playfully responded, “Actually, you must be seeing things. There’s nothing parked there. Maybe you’ve been drinking on the job again? I’d like to see your manager, please!”     

  As he stepped through the doorway he instantly was hit by the intoxicating aroma of coffee. “I’ll need a cup of that before we hit the road.” Sophia smiled and said, “Come on in, the road crew is ready to go.”    

  They entered the kitchen and Jovius instantly questioned the newcomer. “You ready to pull that donkey cart, Vintage?” The stranger was becoming accustomed to the absurdities of Mr. Jovius and his reply showed as much. “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I don’t have a work permit in your country.” Jovius grinned and said, “Oh, well, don’t worry. We can make that happen!”      

    “So Jovius,” Ray began, “What are you charging the new guy for your tour guide services?” Jovius looked up as if thinking really hard and replied, “Well, I guess a couple years of hard labor will do.” “You guys are unspeakably dreadful,” Sophia stated with a condemning look. She continued, “Anyway, where’s our first stop?” “Fire Lake. They’re having a festival down there. After that, I’ve got some stops up north.” “It’s cold up north this time of year. What are we gonna do for Vintage?” Ray inquired. “I’m way ahead of you. I’ve got a temp suit in the transport for him,” Jovius assured them. “What’s a temp suit?” asked Vintage. Ray explained, “It’s a transparent full body nano-tech body suit. It adapts to weather conditions and keeps your body temperature stable.” Vintage thought this to be quite fantastic as it was well beyond what was in his world. Thirsting for more, he asked, “What’s nano-tech?” This gave Jovius a look of disbelief. He rolled his eyes and impatiently coaxed, “Hold on, we don’t have all day for a science seminar. Talk about it on the road. Let’s go.”      

  After they all were out the front door, Ray gave a command. “Computer, raise force field to minimum.” Vintage got a confused look and asked what a force field was. Ray told him to put his hand about a foot from the front door. Upon doing so, his hand hit what felt like a warm flow of current. He was not given an electric jolt, but found that he could not move his hand any further no matter how hard he pushed. “How fantastically bizarre!” Vintage exclaimed with the wonderment of a child on his face. “Come on, let’s go! Science show is over!” Jovius yelled sarcastically as he put an end to the joy of Vintage. As they headed to the vehicle, Vintage was taken aback by the enormity of it. He was curious as to what the cargo was. “May I ask about the cargo? What are you delivering, exactly?” Jovius couldn’t help but smirk when he answered, “Just the usual. Various forms of natural as well as synthetic contraband.” Vintage’s eyes darted from side to side, uncertain if the answer bore any truth. Ray said, “Go ahead and sit in front. I’ll sit with Sophia in back,” as they came upon the shiny black transport. As they took their seats, Ray continued to nonchalantly play along with the cargo story. “Just the usual, so maybe some severed goats heads, human organs, and a various assortment of endangered species. Did you tranquilize the animals this time so they don’t make so much noise?” Ray and Jovius couldn’t help but let the laughs flow out. Sophia shook her head and said, “When he goes back to his side of the world, he might just write a scathing review about you two in the newspaper.”      

  The impressive machine rolled away from the house and picked up speed down the country road. Jovius decided to actually give a straight answer. “I have all sorts of deliveries to make. A smorgasbord, you might say.” “I think he was hoping for a little more specific answer,” Sophia suggested. “Anything from 3D printers, to antique clocks, to personal desalination devices, to holophones. You name it, I’ve got it.” Vintage admitted that he didn’t know what half of those things were. “Have you guys discovered fire over there yet?” Ray quipped. Sophia offered to turn on some music and asked what type of music their guest preferred. “I don’t really like music,” came the shocking reply. “I might have to kick you out of my ride,” Jovius threatened with a poker face. Vintage was impressed with what he was seeing so far on the other side of the planet. With everything new he learned, his curiosity grew ever greater. He was developing a thirst for knowledge. He was curious as to how such a vast array of goods could be created and traded without money issued by government institutions.      

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