At 7:46 the young man says "How about if your in posession of a firearm" well big deal you havent done anything you should have the right to defend yourself, this fundamental right has been taken away from us in Australia. How is it a crime to walk around with something? Your point was spot on police are allowed to carry guns, we had a female police office fire her weapon at a person(who was let out of a mental institution a few hours earlier) in a shopping center, the bullets missed and went of into the crowd hitting an old lady in the leg. The person in question had a knife and was threatening people, they could have tazered him but instead fired a gun at him.
At around 11:10 they were talking about being arrested and had no empathy or ability to put themselves into the position of being arrested and could not get you point at all. You are right it is violent, would God treat you in the way these officers feel it is their God given right. Basically they are asleep and believe everything they are told.
At 12:30 he said (Talking about Common Law)
“Have you ever looked into sort of countries and somewhere where they follow that system?
Have you ever done any research into that? Because I think what you’ll find is often places that follow that sort of law become sort of lawless places where everyone wants to take the law into their own hands people tend not to be as uh sort of accountable as the police force are and you get a lot more sort of unnecessary violence and that all of that sort of stuff thats what I say, I say look into it, I can’t give you a direct example, but if you look into it that tends to be what happens, I think the more you put power in everyones hands the more people people decide to get carried away with it, if people aren’t trained in using these powers there not going to be responsible”
”Have you ever looked into sort of countries and somewhere where they follow that system?” - Yes I have most civilised countries have common law in place yet it is usurped by the judges and system that follows maritime law
”everyone wants to take the law into their own hands” - we should take the law common law, into our own hands learn it and apply to our lives and not be pushed around by the corporate laws that take away our freedoms
”I say look into it, I can’t give you a direct example” - He can’t give a direct example because he has no argument or basis of fact, its a pretty boy well spoken type of argument people like this use their good looks to get away with things so they never need to learn or “look into it”
”put power in everyones hands” - People have the power people have more power than these police can possibly imagine, its because of these attitudes that a few are able to control the many he does not even know it, if people stood together with Danny there is no way they could control us and we would have a much fairer and just system with abundance and prosperity for all
”if people aren’t trained in using these powers their not going to be responsible” - People have no idea about common law and that was what he was responding to in the first place, its a general statement with no basis on fact, how does he know people will not be responsible? I say to him the more people that wake up and see through the lies and deception of the corporate slave system we are subjected to then the more opportunities they would have to be responsible, instead of being held down by people like this and the system that is rigged against you in every way.
Thank you Danny for another excellent video I can’t convey how much what you do means to me.
It’s my complete pleasure. I absolutely love what I do. And now to top things, I am getting rewarded in crypto for it. And to top things even more, I can reward you for commenting. And the comment above is wise and well written and thought through so you get my full vote. And to top that as if that is not enough, it doesn’t even come out of my Steem wallet. And to top that, IACTUALLY GET REWARDED FOR REWARDING YOU!! How awesome is that even whilst remembering that money is an enslaving illusion!!
Thanks Danny, you get my full upvote (although its not worth much at the moment)