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RE: Cowardice Is Not a Virtue

in #anarchy7 years ago

Larken, big fan.
I recently got turned on to your videos on youtube. (I watch video while turning wrenches) I didn't realize it at the time but I'm already 99% of the way to being a voluntaryist before I even knew the term for it.
In Texas we are slowly but surely trying to get our freedoms back a little chunk at a time. Its is an insanely frustrating process. Our elites are hell bent on the oppression they lord over us and won't give it up willingly. But on the bright side I see more and more people are having an awakening to true freedom and realizing just how indoctrinated we all are. Myself included.

I carry everytime I step outside my door and have gotten to the place where I am now questioning if I am armed enough. Recent events have made me re-evaluate what I need to adequately protect myself and my family. I currently carry a revolver in the summer but am about to switch to my wintertime rig with more capacity and extra ammo.

I have found that once I accepted the fact that my government would kill anyone to advance its own power, its easy to accept that they are capable of anything. Even the most heinous acts that I can't even conceive of yet are now a threat to all those I love. They simply cannot allow us to continue on as an armed society. Push will come to shove eventually. I just hope I am prepared enough when it happens.

Keep up with your videos, man. I have forwarded on your stuff to like minded friends. I am still forming my own dialog and arguments but your point of view helps me articulate the truth I always knew was there.



That's Philadelphia Collins, the mustard tiger.

ahahhahahahaha Yes. Yes it is.