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RE: Cowardice Is Not a Virtue

in #anarchy7 years ago

In Texas just in our last legislative session we went from $130 License To Carry fee to $40 LTC. For civilians. For veterans and retired LEOs it has always been $40. We're getting closer. Still can't believe Texas does not have Constitutional Carry. Its infuriating. And an embarrassment. They always talk a big game and then never vote on it.
This has been my personal mission. I have called out many cops on it. They claim to be 2nd amendment supporters. But the facts tell a different story. In the last 30 years in Texas Police chiefs have stood against any and all legislation that would give rights back to the people weather it is guns or knives. And NOT ONCE has any cop stood before our legislature and said "Hey, maybe letting the people arm themselves might be a good idea." Yet almost every cop will tell you they like the 2nd amendment and took an oath.....blah blah blah........

I called out this hypocrisy on social media and got called a cop hater for my trouble.


Seems whenever someone calls someone else "X hater", the hate is generally coming from the speaker.

Keeping The People from forming militias, by licensing what should be rights -- again, that seems like treason and sedition to me, and those aren't things to be bandied about lightly.

These people took an oath. I caution (like Scripture), "take no oaths"; but, they did, and they will deal with the consequences thereof. I might not be involved in said consequences, and that's also okay.