
Is that true?

Only true if you believe it.

Ok..I see.....well I don't believe you.

In your first reply you say DV (but you could fill in any name) can't know what is true or false because nobody can. And later you make an exemption for yourself as if your above all people and you know what right or wrong, biased or unbiased, correct or incorrect, and you say; People who deliberately lie........ As if it's possible to say someone is lying when your not even able to distinguish true from false

If nobody can distinguish true from false. (as you say)
then nobody can distinguish right from wrong biased from unbiased, correct from incorrect, and you could not tell if someone is lying, So saying someone is lying, makes you a liar according to you own rules or lack thereof. You could not know it.

I like to have you opinion on these issues.

If I said that; Mafia is bad because they oppress people, use violence to extort their victims, harm and kill people. And that it's a bad thing for those people do that.

Would you say I'm stupid because I can not know if it's true or false that those mafioso who do those things are bad?
Would you call me liar, that is using propaganda trying to put groups against each other?

Mafia is good at being mafia because they oppress people, use violence, etc etc.

I'm not an exemption, but DV is a wealthy, popular public figure, so I think it's like insulting any popular celebrity.

But don't go insulting me. I'm just a small fry kitten who doesn't like to speak truth.

I prefer to identify lies instead.

Oh dear kitten, I'm not insulting you. I'm saying that if you would reason according to your own rules. You would be a liar according to yourself. There's a difference.

You can not identify lies, if you yourself believe no one (including yourself) has the ability to distinguish between true or false. Then everything is true and everything is false, everybody speaks the truth an everybody lies at the same time. You can by doing that never adress any wrongdoings.

But don't go insulting me. I'm just a small fry kitten who doesn't like to speak truth.

So you speak the truth..........but you don't like it? What makes you so sure you speak the truth? Not saying you do or do not speak the truth, but just asking what makes you so sure that you are speaking the truth.

I prefer to identify lies instead.

So you think you are speaking the truth by identifying lies. Are absolutely sure they are lies? And that your right about that? Because else it could be that your unknowingly, spreading misinformation that might be propaganda trying to put groups against each other.

Not saying that you do that. Therefor notice the words, could be, unknowingly, and might. Carefully chosen for you ;)

No, I don't think I said any of this quite exactly like you're saying it. You're greatly misreading me.

Here is how I need to correct you:

"No one (including yourself) has the ability to distinguish between true or false."

This needs to be changed to "No one (including yourself) has the ability to distinguish between true or false with 100% accuracy about all things at all times."

It is a matter of a guy like DV being correct SOMETIMES, but not all the time.

Or anyone. You might be right sometimes, you might be wrong sometimes.

The point is that someone should be able to read DV's post, and see truth in it, while also realizing that not every single word is absolutely true. Some of it is bias, some of it is wrong, and there are other factors at play as well.
