It is because Israel and the Rothschild's own much of our media here in the states. They are able to control the narrative. Growing up I never saw the Palestinian side represented on the television set.
It was always "poor Israel" being attacked. It was not until I was older that I learned the truth. People like Harry Fear, live streaming from within Gaza while Israel pounded them with bombs work hard to get the word out are starting to change the narrative.
The documentary "Five Broken Cameras" helped to wake many people to the reality of Israel's lies.
Not everyone believes the lies. The problem is the huge number of people who have been fed them their entire lives. They're ignorant, and it is so hard to change a belief.
We will keep shouting. Keep showing. Keep providing proof and witness.
I know you are not a terrorist. You are a dear person, worthy of love and freedom!
Thank you for your great confidence, I will be patient and I will continue to reveal the other side of the Israeli occupation, I will write what is happening with us on Steemit,
Let the world know that Israel is not merciful with Palestinians as it claims to the media