Cheers?! Kaka, WHY IN THE FUCK is my fiance bringing me an article about you telling her to FUCK HERSELF IN THE FACE?! Have you lost your mind?
Up until now you've been a respected opposition. But THIS? What kind of disgraceful, disgusting, low brow, slack jawed, bullshit is THIS?
I don't care what you two were discussing and frankly I'm too pissed to look, but do not EVER tell my fiance to do anything sexual. DO NOT talk about any of her orifices or about fucking you stupid pathetic little man.
What little respect I had for you is gone. Leave her be.
From now on you can talk to me. Not her!
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I don't think people "get it" about this. Patience is growing very thin regarding Adam Kokesh. He's trolling people and not being consistent. This is an important issue to individual liberty lovers like @kafkanarchy84. Before making a comment about this feud, it would be wise for people to research it well too.
Stop trying to make this a personal issue or to attack individuals. The message is what's really important. You know what I mean by the message? That's the "drop your ideology" bullshit Adam has declared. No, I will not drop my ideology. My ideology is individual liberty! If you're not for it, you're not my friend. Period.
Friends point out other friend's inconsistencies. They let their friends know when they are making a mistake. Friends do not demand that other people stop correcting them for their mistakes. They don't ask people to drop their core beliefs. They are consistent and ethical. Adam is not being consistent or ethical.
When you try to defend that then, don't be surprised when someone loses their patience with you. A lot is at stake here. The ideology we are being asked to drop is vital to the future of our species. It's a big deal in other words. When someone asks me to stop checking people for consistency or calling them out for inconsistency, it really pisses me off.
Just stop already or just admit that you're not a friend of individual liberty.
Didn’t know it was your wife, or whether male or female.
Tell her to not make false allegations about such serious shit.
@sunshinebear left a dick comment and I responded in kind. Please read the post that she wrote. I didn’t know who the hell she was. I have commented clarifying everything.
I did not tell anyone to “FUCK HERSELF IN THE FACE.”
“get fucked”/“get fucked in the face” while pretty fucking intense language, is not meant literally, sexually. This should be fucking obvious, but I guess not.
You guys both should probably calm down, and if you continue to make false allegations about me I will have to take action.
Calling that sexual harassment is something I'd think the #MeToo, progressive-left would stoop to. It's strong language, but there's a sea of difference between what was said and what is sexual harassment. Let us not take issue with specific words, but understand the general meaning and recognize figures of speech (especially when the phenotypical characteristics of either user are potentially unknown.)
Just my unsolicited two bits. Peace, y'all.