This reminds me of a recent post by @dana-edwards
Titled: Do social norms trump the law? | My response to the "Free The Nipple" controversy
Which I stated (and reposting my comment here, because I agree with @dantheman with some major exceptions)
He said: "Once you realize that an anarchist society would self-censor competing ideas"
That's a prediction. I don't necessarily agree with that prediction, because I haven't seen a wide scale anarchist society before. I hate using the word anarchist because it's tainted in a Statist society by those than run our TV, Movies, and main stream media. So it's a very taboo word and very much misunderstood.
He also said: "What anarchists know is that it is incredibly difficult to get people to agree on anything"
I think people agree that air should be free, and we all have the right to breathe it. I recommend taming these statements. There is good and bad in any type of society whether it be Statist, Anarchist, Volunterist, etc. We need to pay attention to the best parts in all of them. Arguing about societal construct is like arguing about religion. It's near impossible to reach a consensus by everyone.
My comment to dana-edwards post which holds some weight to @dantheman's article is here:
People fear getting convicted by breaking a law. However in most cases people will fear how they are perceived by the public, their neighbors and family more.
I suggest we minimize these laws. Society will handle the problem itself. If you piss off your neighbors, they'll find a way to run you out of town. The key is to live harmoniously the best you can. If you're a jerk about the way you present yourself, you'll quickly find out what's socially acceptable and what isn't without the govt having to intervene.
Since we're still talking about this, I thought these two references might aid the discussion. It was just too fitting to pass up..