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RE: Anarchy Misunderstood

in #anarchy5 years ago (edited)

Government doesn't create or protect property. Government by its very nature violates property. Taxation, eminent domain, civil asset forfeiture, registration, licensing, permits, fees, zoning laws, etc. are all violations of property. And when you suffer harm, government forbids competition with their monopoly in dispute resolution. Don't treat the sales pitch for government as gospel.

Why do you say those with greater ability are obligated to provide for those with greater need? Why does need grant authority to demand production? I say this as someone suffering from chronic illness, so understand that I am not a millionaire questioning why I should toss crumbs to the needy. How do other people owe me based on my need? That sounds like coercion, and I don't want to coerce, because I am an anarchist.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." Even Proudhon asked who determines these, and when there is a dispute, whose decision stands. It sounds nice, but is in reality a recipe for authoritarianism.


So, if the government and the police force wasn't there, how would you define what your property is?

Our abilities are not vastly different from one another. No one is fundamentally better than anyone else on that level. It's pure fiction. Being "rich" is an illusion propagated by oligarchs who want to retain their own power. Strip everything away and put any two people in 130,000 BC and you'll find that we're all basically the same.